
I got an awesome email this afternoon telling me I could be a tester for Terry Hope Romero’s new cookbook. After signing in I spent the next forty five minutes going through all the recipes hoping there was something there I could make tonight. I went through dozens of amazing looking descriptions only to get to the ingredient list and realize I didn’t have one thing. I could have still made stuff, but that defeats the point of testing, which is to make things as written to see how they’ll turn out for readers. I almost lost hope and was just going to settle for salad when I came to the Colombian Coconut Lentil Rice. I have that, and that, omg and that too! So I set out for the kitchen and came out with this.

So good, so comforting. I think this is going to be a lot of fun. And lots of pictures.

Dirty Dirty Cookies

I’ve always been a slightly asexual person. So I’m not entirely sure why I decided to make the Garrick’s “vagina variation” sugar cookie testers. Especially since I’m taking them to a potluck of people I don’t know! What the hell was I thinking. Oh well, it will break the ice and they are damn good. I’m also bringing other stuff but pictures later.

Creepy, aren’t they? The one on the left is tinted with cocoa, and the right one is just vanilla. Instead of stuffing them with marzipan like the recipe calls for I just tinted some of the dough pink. You can even sort of see the alien bits underneath the cocoa and vanilla cookies, because hot pink isn’t a color seen in nature.


These are actually a lot of fun to make. Probably because I couldn’t stop giggling. I’m sorry, sometimes you just have to giggle like a kid. Though next time I go to a feminist gathering (or a pure romance party god forbid) I’ll make these. And keep a straight face.

I also made the gingerbread apple pie from Vegan With a Vengeance. Well I used the crust and the baking directions. The filling was the stuff my mom and I canned a few weeks ago.

And this Indian spiced rice salad is the bane of my existence right now. This is what happens when I start trying to make my own recipes. I like it, but it seems like its missing something. I added a lot of different spices so maybe its a matter of not adding enough of each. Or maybe I’m just overanalyzing because I’ll be feeding it to other people tomorrow. It basically had Jasmine rice, roasted potatoes, squash, and carrots, onions, mushrooms, coconut milk, tomatoes, fava beans, and too many spices to name.